Hello, my name is
Uttam Dhakal
And I'm a
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I Specialize In

UI Designing as well as Front End Web Development


As a web developer, I believe that concepting is a crucial aspect of creating a successful website. Through brainstorming and generating ideas, I can develop unique and creative designs that are both functional and visually appealing.


With a focus on user behavior, my UI/UX design skills allow me to create seamless and engaging experiences. I combine technical expertise with design principles to produce visually striking and intuitive interfaces that drive results.

Visual dESIGN

As a web developer, my skills in visual interaction allow me to create dynamic websites that engage users through animations, graphics, and multimedia. I utilize my knowledge of design principles to craft seamless and intuitive interfaces that promote user engagement.


My skills in interaction design allow me to create websites that promote user engagement and satisfaction. I focus on understanding user behavior and design intuitive interfaces that are easy to use and navigate. By incorporating feedback and testing.

My Creative Process

My creative process is a comprehensive approach to ensure outstanding results in UI/UX projects:



We start by engaging in in-depth discussions with clients to understand their vision, goals, and target audience. This helps us align our strategies with their objectives.



During the ideation phase, we brainstorm creative concepts and innovative ideas. We encourage open communication and explore various design possibilities.


UI/UX Planning

Our UI/UX planning involves user research, wireframing, and prototyping. We focus on creating user-friendly designs that deliver seamless navigation and convey the brand's identity.


Visual Design

We translate ideas into visually compelling designs. Our visual design phase includes crafting eye-catching layouts, selecting color schemes, and creating custom graphics.



We bring designs to life with coding expertise. Front-end and back-end development ensures a functional and responsive website that meets the project's technical requirements.


Testing & QA

Thorough testing is crucial to identify and fix any issues. We conduct quality assurance checks to ensure the website's performance and compatibility across different devices and browsers.



After rigorous testing and client approval, we launch the website. We ensure a smooth deployment and monitor its performance post-launch.



We continue to optimize the website for performance, SEO, and user experience. Regular updates and improvements maintain the site's effectiveness.